

PEMF, Electro-Stim and Micro-Current are used to enhance the benefits of acupuncture. Different devices are used with acupuncture to reduce pain and inflammation by increasing energy production, ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), in the cells. Induced current can lead to nerve firing, muscle contractions, stimulation of cell signal pathways causing cell growth and a number of other effects. Cellular energy requires ATP for all cell functions and is necessary to sustain life. ATP regulates cell metabolism by transporting energy within our cells. Low ATP causes cells to be sick and decrease their ability to heal, regenerate or function properly. Through increased motion of ions and electrolytes cellular energy is increased by up to 500% and can have a positive effect on a myriad of conditions.

Donna Dupre, L.Ac., DAOM
A Professional Acupuncture Corporation

Call for an appointment today:
Phone: (818) 563-9453
Fax: (818) 563-9595

Open Hours

Monday: 10:30 - 5:30
Wednesday: 10:30 - 5:30
Friday: 10:30 - 5:30


4444 Riverside Drive, Suite 108
Burbank, CA 91505

Donna Dupre, L.Ac., DAOM © 2024 All Rights Reserved